Thursday, February 19, 2009

Quick as a Cricket

These past couple weeks, we have been doing the potty training thing. I have found that if I sit by JD and read him a book, he responds really well to it. One of the books we have been reading has been "Quick as a Cricket". One day, my smart little guy surprised me and started to read along with me. Now, he reads this book to me. I had to get it on video cause I just thought that it was so cute! What can I say, my little guy amazes me!


Lindsay said...

He is SO cute--and he reads with such emotion! I'll bet he gets the theatrics from you, huh?

The Modern Daisy said...

What a smart kid! Good job JD!

Hannah said...

My favorite part is "quiet as a lamb" and "wild as a chimp." This is GREAT footage.

Crystal said...

That is so adorable Rachelle, and I like his shirt :). He is growing up so quickly! We need to get together next month.

McLeod Clan said...

I just love looking at pictures and watchin this little guy. He's just too cute!