Peyton 2 years old
JD started first grade this year. The first week was a little rough, since he wasn't use to going to school all day. But he is now thriving and absolutely loves schoo!!
JD 6 years old
We were able to take part of some fun vacations this year, but that will have to wait until later. I thought that starting small was better than not starting at all. Another post to come.... (be patient with me, please!!)
Chelle, Reed, and JD at Rainbow bridge
Yeah for a post from Rachelle! Congrat's!
Payton is so BIG now, and as for JD, I can see the handsome teenager he is going to be soon.
Looking forward to future posts.
I can't believe how big the kdis are getting. Peyton looks so old now. We miss you guys and think of you all. I wish we could get together at the splash park, especially in all this cold here in CO! Give me a call sometime.
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