Tuesday, January 17, 2012

So, I realize that it has been a while ( like a year and a half) since I last posted. I realized how much I have been missing it an have decided to try and give it a try again. Our newest adventure was that of our little girl turned two!! I can't believe that my little baby is getting so big and growing so fast.

Peyton 2 years old

JD started first grade this year. The first week was a little rough, since he wasn't use to going to school all day. But he is now thriving and absolutely loves schoo!!

JD 6 years old

We were able to take part of some fun vacations this year, but that will have to wait until later. I thought that starting small was better than not starting at all. Another post to come.... (be patient with me, please!!)

Chelle, Reed, and JD at Rainbow bridge


Crystal said...

Yeah for a post from Rachelle! Congrat's!
Payton is so BIG now, and as for JD, I can see the handsome teenager he is going to be soon.
Looking forward to future posts.

The Mickelsens said...

I can't believe how big the kdis are getting. Peyton looks so old now. We miss you guys and think of you all. I wish we could get together at the splash park, especially in all this cold here in CO! Give me a call sometime.